Trujitsu News..

What’s new in the world of Trujitsu? A lot. There is never a shortage of excitement at Trujitsu Bakersfield.

If you are not following or Media pages, here are just a few developments you might have missed.

Trujitsu Makes a Wave at JJWL Worlds.

Every year Jiu Jitsu World League continues to grow as one of the premiere Jiu Jitsu tournament organizations, and their largest event absolutely showed this with record attendance. The JJWL Worlds is always one of the most challenging events to place on the podium as a team, and to make the challenge even greater, Trujitsu Bakersfield entered the brackets with a large squad of mostly new competitors. The end result..

Trujitsu once again made the podium, with Trujitsu Bakersfield earning 2nd place as an Academy and Trujitsu Unified as and organization consisting of only 3 other Trujitsu affiliates, Unum Jiu Jitsu, Delano Jiu Jitsu and Rios Bravo Jiu Jitsu, all together earning  the third place spot.

Experience is always an advantage with competition, but this time around the result was more of an example of team work, organization and unity to accomplish another great run at a top level event.

Trujitsu Affiliate Camp is Back!

Every summer Trujitsu HQ opens the doors for an uplifting Trujitsu Family reunion. What is it like to see over a 100 avid Jiu Jitsu players rolling at the same time? Insane energy! Wall to wall rolls and smiles even in the middle of triple digit weather. Every camp provides an opportunity for Trujitsu team mates from various city’s to  reunite, learn new Trujitsu concepts, make stronger bonds and feed off each other with countless rounds of Jiu Jitsu. This year’s focus covered Team building concepts, mindset for success, Triangle Escapes, various Half guard options, Single Leg X wizardry, and a segment specifically for understanding and preparing for IBJJF Grand Slam events.

Trujitsu Kids Camp Returns With a Splash.

Trujitsu kids spent 1 week developing, learning and setting the tone for the next big wave of Trujitsu. The next generation of Trujitsu is reaching a higher level every year, and summer camp is one of the main contributing factors.

Although most days involved over 4 hours of training, our kids never stopped pushing forward with smiles and laughs.

Follow us on our socials at TRUJITSUHQ.

Why Law Enforcement and First Responders need… TRUJITSU.

Imagine going to work everyday knowing that you are potentially facing a challenge that could be both harmful to you physically, and financially. You are signed up to go in harms way to correct bad scenarios, and de-escalate situations, while simultaneously being under the greatest scrutiny. That is the current job description for today’s Law Enforcement Officers, and now more than ever, the ability to stay calm under pressure is a must.

This has become increasingly difficult with the escalation of crime and the lighter penalties that make prosecution of criminals less likely. A Criminal has little to nothing to lose, while the officer has a strict protocol to follow to avoid accusation. According to the Public Policy Institute of California, every year over 80 officers are arrested for excessive force or misconduct.

What can be said about the current demands of Law enforcement, is that an officer needs to have the physical skills to apprehend a violent offender, while simultaneously having the mental aptitude to stay calm with no desire to use force no matter how provoking the suspect might act.

This is not as simple as learning how to apply a wrist lock and hand cuffs. Aggressive training is no longer the solution. An officer now needs to have an exceptional mental maturity that promotes a passive yet assertive behavior, which is no easy task.

Rioter resisting arrest.

What is needed..

To deal with the worst situations in the community, you need the best resources in the community.

There are countless programs that teach a person how to fight, but that is not enough. The real battle happens with a person’s mindset.

Proper training can not happen

by attending a seminar or occasional workshop, because repetition is needed to develop reaction time and muscle memory.

Proper training can not happen

in an environment that has lesser developed participants, because that will not make a person confident when dealing with a physically imposing criminal.

Proper training can not happen if the curriculum is based on aggression, explosiveness or physical ability, because there is always someone stronger. An officer must use techniques that are based on leverage and don’t rely on strength or physical ability to be successful.

Proper training will happen if a person is in an environment that is surrounded by skilled training partners that intelligently apply  leverage based moves and are capable of safely pushing an individual to the limits they are exposed to while on duty. Training partners must have the ability and desire to train safely, not recklessly, while still applying intensity. This type of environment and curriculum takes years to develop, and this level of training on a weekly basis is what is necessary for an officer to build the confidence and mental acuity to deal with todays level of exposure. In addition, this also provides stress relief and camaraderie that is uplifting to an individual who is constantly exposed to harsh conditions.


This is what TRUITSU is, and why every Law Enforcement Officer specifically needs TRUJITSU.

Intelligence over aggression. An established Community building its community.

Women’s Jiu Jitsu Reaches a new level at TRUJITSU Hq!

2024 is off to a great start as we add more opportunities for Women to train. In addition to our general classes available 7 days a week, we also have 3 dedicated days for women’s only training. No matter what level a student is, experience or no experience, it is guaranteed they will enjoy the variety of classes now available in both Gi and No Gi.

Jiu Jitsu is an amazing art, and our Trujitsu women’s program makes it easy for women of all ages to learn and bond with each other.

New students are always welcome.

Ages 12 and up.


Everyday is a Great day on the mat! Let The Games Begin..

Everyday is a Great day on the mat!

There is really no way to explain.

Good times are every day occurrences. Normally this time of the year we post a highlight of recent events, however it is difficult to point out highlights when they happen regularly. Thank you to everyone that contributes to making Trujitsu Hq such a happy place. Happy New year, and Happy new set of goals to have fun chasing.

Promotions, Celebrations, team events, and extra classes.

2024 is already off to an amazing start!!

If you are looking for a fun activity, the water is always warm and you are always welcome.

Kids, Adults, The whole Family.


2023 has been filled with non-stop excitement. For the most up to date daily news we encourage following our social media pages TRUJITSU HQ on Insta, or MattBakerbjj on FB. For those unable to follow on social media, here are just a few highlights you might have missed ..

Kids Class reaches new heights with TJU and a new curriculum focusing on education, confidence building and self defense.

TRUJITSU HQ grabs two 1st Place trophies at IBJJF LA OPEN. Jiu Jitsu competition is one way to measure progress and development of a curriculum, and IBJJF is the toughest tournament circuit to find success. On March 12th TRUJITSU Bakersfield with the help of nine team mates from 208 Academy joined together and grabbed 1st Place against some of the most accomplished organizations in Jiu Jitsu. TRUJITSU HQ youth competitors also captured the 1st Place Teens trophy. Thank you again to our TRUJITSU Idaho affiliate team mates at 208 Academy for making the trip to help us reach our goal. Sam and Mel, you rock.

As we approach our official 20th year anniversary we have been reminded of how many moving parts, and wonderful people work together to make or goals happen. Thank you all, and we look forward to what’s next. TBC…

Happy New Year of Goals To Reach.

Happy New Year! , and Happy start a great new set of goals in 2023.

As the saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child”, nothing is more true with today’s many distractions. Our younger generation has plenty distractions and influences, however we believe that with continuous bonding, communication and good direction, your child will grow to be a successful person.

That is our goal!, and it’s not just about winning medals and trophies. More important is to develop the mental and social skills necessary for them to have successful careers later in life.

Winning medals is great, and absolutely part of the goal, but building character and values is what helps a child reach their highest potential in life, as well as Jiu Jitsu and other sports.

Thank you for letting us help with the journey.

20 years and counting!!

TRUJITSU Bakersfield 2023



TRUJITSU 2021 News


What’s new? A lot, always. If you are following TRUJITSU or Bakersfield BJJ on our Insta and Facebook you probably have seen many of the latest happy moments, however For those unable to follow our media pages or if you are trying to avoid social media altogether, here is a recap on some of the recent TRUJITSU highlights you may have missed. 

First, It is important to point out that competition is not the most important benefit from Jiu Jitsu? However it is a valuable resource for learning and it’s always awesome when the results go well. Here are a just few notable moments from the many.

TRUJITSU Bakersfield wins their 3rd 1st place Academy trophy for 2021. Thank you to everyone for helping make this happen.

The TRUJITSU Exclusives show reaches its 3 year anniversary with episode 38. Thank you everyone across the TRUJITSU academy base for studying TRUJITSU and supporting TJX. 2022 is already promising to be an exciting year.

2019 TRUJITSU Recap!

Thank you everyone that has made 2019 an amazing year to remember. Good things happen when an individual works hard, but Great things happen when individuals work hard together. 

2019 was filled with great moments and breakthroughs that happened only because of the environment and support of TRUJITSU teammates.

Moments to remember:

January 2019


2019 kicked off with teammates helping in the remodel of the new and improved TJHQ. The post celebration included over 100 teammates rolling on the mat for opening day!


ZEKIEL Night featuring “Earlynites”

Great music, Great cause, Great memories..


June 2019

TRUJITSU Nationals Camp

TRUJITSU affiliates gather for a week long Training session in preparation for IBJJF American Nationals and Fresno Open.


TRUJITSU Unified Grows

 2019 was a year of healthy growth with the introduction of 5 new affiliate academies. Thank you to Komodo Academy, 208 Academy, Rio Bravo Jiu Jitsu Academy, Blacksmith Jiu Jitsu Florida, and Unum Jiu Jitsu for being a part of TRUJITSU Unified. 


 TRUJITSU tournament Highlights!

2019 was a year filled with countless great moments around the Globe.

Here are a few random moments captured from 2019…


December 2019

The Gameroom 2.0!!

A new chapter begins for TRUJITSU Bakersfield northwest aka “The Gameroom”. 

Once again TRUJITSU teamates come together to build a better facility overnight. Rome wasn’t built in a day, however something almost as awesome was. The new TRUJITSU Gameroom located at 3714 Coffee Road in Rosedale (North West Bakersfield) is nothing short of a small gymnasium. With approximately 2000 square feet of training area, climbing ropes and mobility equipment, the Gameroom is no longer just “a room”.  Thank you again to everyone who made this transformation happen. 


Thank you again to everyone that has made 2019 an amazing year!

BBJJ News: Nationals, summer Camps, and Readers polls…

What’s new at BBJJ?

The Summer season has been very eventful and as always we have much to be thankful for.

Thank you to our Community

BBJJ was voted Best Martial arts academy for 2019 Readers choice poll.

TRUJITSU Competition News

BBJJ and TRUJITSU unified celebrate a great season of competition at IBJJF American  Nationals and IBJJF Fresno Open.  

Triple digit weather had no bearing on TRUJITSU’s competition preparation. Hard work, lots of sweat and popsicles to cool off after resulted in a combined 28 Gold medals.

Kids Camp

The next generation of TRUJITSU celebrates another camp filled with games, secret ninja moves and pizza. Thank you to all the parents and students that attended this amazing week of training.

Thank you again to everyone for the support in making BBJJ/ TRUJITSU HQ the wonderful environment it is. 

TRUJITSU Unified American Nationals Camp.

TRUJITSU Unified American Nationals Camp.
